Experience the Power of Community
The New Adam Weekend is a journey of initiation into the fullness of a man’s life. It is an essential part of the spiritual journey that has been made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The entire weekend experience is founded on Biblical principles that seek to address the formation of Christ-like character in Christian men. It is a place to find common ground and stand shoulder to shoulder with other men. It is a time to experience the power of community over isolation and self-determination.

What to Expect
You will be given opportunities to explore your personal journey in safe but challenging ways. Since the goal of the weekend is to help you live as a fully embodied follower of Christ, the experience will be rigorous and will challenge you emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Not for Everyone
We ask that you please consider carefully whether or not you should attend this weekend, as it is not for everyone. You must be committed to working out your salvation and willing to look deeply into your own heart, confronting your fears, wounds from the past and the specific ways that sin is keeping you from becoming all that God has created you to be.

It’s Up to You
While the experience is designed to be challenging, you will decide how far you want to go with your journey. All of the processes have been created with your physical, emotional and spiritual safety in mind. This is not a “ropes course” or “Outward Bound” type of weekend but there will be physical activities with which you will be presented.